SCDW&N Partner Tara R. Di Luca recently won a dismissal for a Westchester County, NY pediatric group (defendant) in a case involving an infant plaintiff (plaintiff) and allegations that the pediatric group and its employed neonatologist failed to properly and timely deliver and treat the pre-term newborn infant at a major area medical center in Westchester, NY.
Plaintiff claimed, among other injuries, that our client caused permanent injuries to the infant plaintiff including global development delays, brain damage, mental retardation, neurological/cognitive deficits, motor delays, seizure disorder, the need for a shunt, the need for speech, language, occupational, feeding, and physical therapies, the need for special education, inability to live independently, diminished earning capacity, and loss of enjoyment of life. Defendant argued successfully before the court that the pediatric group and its employed neonatologist properly and timely treated the newborn infant and did not cause or contribute to the infant’s alleged injuries. Defendant further argued there was no evidence to support plaintiff’s allegations and claimed injuries in this case.
SCDW&N’s client was spared the time and expense of appearing in court for a trial. Another win for SCDW&N!