Supreme Court, Kings; Index No: 9497/14 (2019)
(summary judgment granted after plaintiff failed to submit admissible evidence to rebut defendant’s prima facie entitlement to summary judgment)
Suhlail Villa
Passy v. Brookdale University Hospital & Medical Center
Supreme Court, Kings County; Index No. 508837/2017 (2019)
(motion to dismiss granted based upon plaintiff’s failure to re-commence action and serve defendants within 6 months as required under CPLR §205(a)).
Suhlail C. Villa
Telfer v. Petelis, et al.
Supreme Court, Nassau; Index No: 20692/2013 (2016)
(summary judgment granted against defendant doctor and his P.C. on grounds that co-defendant doctor was neither his employee and no agency by estoppel relationship existed)
Suhlail Villa