SCDW&N Partner Tara R. Di Luca, Esq. recently obtained a dismissal for a Westchester County, NY major pediatric group (defendant) in a case involving an infant plaintiff and allegations that the pediatric group and its employed neonatologists committed negligence and medical malpractice by failing to render appropriate care and treatment to the preterm infant plaintiff […]
Tara R. DiLuca gets dismissal in Westchester
SCDW&N Partner Tara R. Di Luca recently won a dismissal for a Westchester County, NY pediatric group (defendant) in a case involving an infant plaintiff (plaintiff) and allegations that the pediatric group and its employed neonatologist failed to properly and timely deliver and treat the pre-term newborn infant at a major area medical center in […]
Tara R. Di Luca made Partner
Schiavetti, Corgan, DiEdwards, Weinberg & Nicholson, LLP takes pleasure in announcing that Tara R. Di Luca has become a member of the firm January 1, 2019.